This time this post is more for the creators of Second Life
this is my first post about how you can make money in SecondLife
just some tips of mine i dont mind sharing after so many years in SecondLife, i have lived from it! paid my bills and needless to say enjoyed huge fame inside SL.

This post is all about Slink nails enhacement - fingernails and toenails Hud's
i will start from the end- I decided to sell my Slink nail textures for any creator to use-
huge pack with over 250 textures which can create ALOT of Huds for you.

But why?
ofcourse i always knew i sell this Huds great. yet,
few weeks ago i was checking my sales statistics and i realized how great.
over 800k profit.
obviously i thought OMG jackpot i will make hundreds of them, but that was funny thought since i love best design my FINESMITH virtual  jewelry and too many hours on photoshop will make me crazy...:) so i gave up this thought.
that thought though gave me another idea- too many hours on photoshop can make many people dizzy, maybe after i already enjoyed it and SL is not my main income- i can sell the textires for others to make good from it.
I remember days i was searching for full permission nail textures to just mix with my designs and give as extra to anyone shopping for jewelry..

so here it is- one of my best money makers in second life offered in Marketplace only.

The Slink nails Hud kit is so easy to build.
you just need to apply for developer kit HERE which is individual for you with your own creator code.
and insert the textures in a text notecard. that goes into an object. add the scripts, and the Hud is very user friendly.
all the textures can be used for either fingernails and toenails Hud's.

my way of selling it is 20 textures nail hud for 150L and my customers absoulutly loving it.

more information you can see in the item description in Marketplace and after buying it inside the box notecard.

ones you have it ready- start marketing- you will see the customers reactions. and That worth so much! first you give them something pretty, quality and they will love it, as well you make money to pay your stuff, your tier and that as well gives you more motivation to continue creating! (offcourse I adore my customers they are the best, they give me the chance to enjoy my life and talents!!)

VISIT FINESMITH MAIN STORE- this item is not for sale in my store Join Now!

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