We are looking for male and female store models. Their work will be modeling store items, greeting customers, interact at the group chat, and assisting with customers concerns.
Models should be very good stylists and should have good knowledge of editing jewelery and very good communication and social skills.
The requirements are:
 - Being at least 6 months old
 - Be able to do 2 shifts minimum per week. (1 hour each shift)
 - Join the Store Group
 - Having FINESMITH at Profile Pics and having any other social media (Facebook, Flickr, etc)
 - Being able to communicate in English
 - Being a certified model or actual modeling student
 - Having a free group slot for Finesmith Staff Group
 The benefits:
 - Remuneration will be in $L per hour plus clothings and jewelery.
 - The opportunity to appear in vendors and advertisements.
 - Training will be provided
 How to apply:
 - Style "FINESMITH Spirit". Use only Finesmith items that can be found at the store at this moment. Male models can use other store clothes.
 - Send a Head and a Full Body photo. Plain white background. No Photoshop. Full Perm
 - Name the photos "Finesmith Store Model Casting (Your Name) Full body or Head"
 - Send a NC with your photographs to Sophia Paez.
 - Name your NC " Finesmith Application - (Your name) (date)
 - Complete the online application: (link below)
 Send the application to Sophia Paez (Kandygift Resident) in-world by April 23rd
 Finalist will be contacted and call for a live casting on April 30th 3pm slt.
 We will contact you soon. If you have any questions about the casting process contact Sophia Paez by nc.

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